Dynamic Forms



Dear all,

I am trying to create a dynamic form.

I have a table with some fields like accounting_code, profit center,
value_1, value_2, etc. Each field: value_1, value_2, represents a
period of time. The user will imput values in this periods.*

* Many people have talked to create only two fields: data and value,
but I don´t known if I will obten my objective that consist in create
a especific form.

Then the user will create fields in this table like value_3, value_4.

The table will be like it (like a excel sheet):

accounting_code profit_center value_1 value_2
salary administrative 100 105
other expenses comercial 20 25
salary industrial 500 550
salary comercial 150 150
other expenses admistrative 30 35

Then as I sad, the user will create many fields that represent the
periods of time.

Now let´s to the form:

First: I created a form:


Second: I created a subform

accounting_code value_1 value _2

Then the user can choose the profit_center (in the form) and the imput
values in subform (like the accounting_code, value_1, etc).

Now is my question:
If the user create a new field in the table, how the user can choose
what periods of time he like to appear in form (before open it)?

For example: before I open my form (if my subform) I can choose only
the fields value_1 and value_2. Now I created a new field: value_3.
The I need open my form and choose only the fields value_2 and

The form is like this (subform is like a excel sheet):

form x
profit_center: administrative

subform y

accounting_code value_1 value_2
salary 100 105
other expenses 30 35

*** In this form I need to change values, imput new values, ect.

Sorry for my bad english.

I will be thankfull if anybody could help me!!!

Thanks a lot!



I don't think you should create fields for time periods. It would be much
better to use a crosstab query for your time periods.

You can set the Source Object of a subreport to a query name. There is a
demo of this athttp://www.rogersaccesslibrary.com/Otherdownload.asp?SampleName='Dyna....
Duane Hookom
Microsoft Access MVP

- Mostrar texto entre aspas -

Dear Duane,

Thanks a lot. In the next days I will be analysing this example and
trying to do anything like it!!



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