Dynamic Print Area



I need to set the print area for an ever changing range of rows (may start at
row 200 on one execution, may start at Row 300 on the next), but no wider
than Column G. The length of the Print Area is also ever changing, therefore
I have used a formula that finds the last occupied row.

I made some changes to the .Range () and now it no longer finds the last
occupied row (finds all BUT the last row). IF 8 rows are occupied, THEN
output is 7 rows.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

Sub Print_Preview()

Dim SH As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim LRow As Long
Dim BldRngeTop 'First cell in Print Area
Dim BldRngeWdth 'Last Column in Print Area

BldRngeTop = Range("Extract_Area_FirstCell").Address
BldRngeWdth = "G"

Set SH = ActiveSheet

With SH
LRow = SH.Cells(Rows.Count, BldRngeWdth).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = .Range(BldRngeTop & ":" & BldRngeWdth & LRow)
.PageSetup.PrintArea = rng.Address
End With

End Sub

Thanks for any help you might give.


How is "Extract_Area_FirstCell" defined. Is this a manually named cell?


"FirstVette52" <(My User name is Firstvette 52, too) firstvet52@(my ISP
E-mail provider is) netzero.com> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


I haven't tested but try replacing following line
LRow = SH.Cells(Rows.Count, BldRngeWdth).End(xlUp).Row

with this line
LRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, BldRngeWdth).End(xlUp).Row

I have removed SH. Not needed when already using With SH.

Placed . in front of Rows.Count because it belongs to SH

If above does not work then place Stop after End With and then while stopped
hover cursor over the various variables like LRow and rng.Address and check
their values.


I decided to test your code because I thought that it should work,
particularly in view of the fact that you said it is returning one less row.
Anyway your code works even though I still think that you should make my
suggested changes . Therefore there is another problem.

Please don't take offence at me for asking this but sometimes people do miss
the obvious. Are you sure that the last cell in column G is not blank? If it
is then the last row needs to be found on a column that will never have a
blank cell in the last row.


I just had one of those 'AHA!' moments wrapped-up in the realization that my
problem was a 'Senior' moment. Thanks Ossie, and you go right on pointing
out the obvious, because sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees : )

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