I have a set of charts that are all drawn from a data set that grows every
day. As it is I need to edit the source data settings every day to extend
the charts by a day every time I update the data.
I'd rather set value of the last row to use in one of the cells of the
spreadsheet, and then use a function to return the correct range instead of
having a fixed range. I tried using the ADDRESS() and INDIRECT() functions
but they only refer to a single cell, not a range. I can't figure out how to
do it, and it's probably something obvious that I'm just not seeing. I'm
familiar with VERY rudimentary macros & defining my own functions if that
would help, but I can't figure out how to get it to return a range instead of
a value.
Lee Silverman
day. As it is I need to edit the source data settings every day to extend
the charts by a day every time I update the data.
I'd rather set value of the last row to use in one of the cells of the
spreadsheet, and then use a function to return the correct range instead of
having a fixed range. I tried using the ADDRESS() and INDIRECT() functions
but they only refer to a single cell, not a range. I can't figure out how to
do it, and it's probably something obvious that I'm just not seeing. I'm
familiar with VERY rudimentary macros & defining my own functions if that
would help, but I can't figure out how to get it to return a range instead of
a value.
Lee Silverman