I am following Martin Greene's tips descibed here:
except adapting them to open and filter a query; i am building the dialog
box and have got as far as pasting the apply filter button code; when i hit
the apply filter button it says
microsoft visual basic compile error: sub or function not defined
when i click ok the SelectCase part of...
If IsNull(Me.txtlastname.Value) Then
strLastName = "Like '*'"
SelectCase Me.FraLastname.Value
Case 1
strLastName = "Like '" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "*'"
Case 2
strLastName = "Like '*" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "*'"
Case 3
strLastName = "Like '*" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "'"
Case 4
strLastName = "= '" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "'"
End Select
End If
....is highlighted.
Why won't this work?
except adapting them to open and filter a query; i am building the dialog
box and have got as far as pasting the apply filter button code; when i hit
the apply filter button it says
microsoft visual basic compile error: sub or function not defined
when i click ok the SelectCase part of...
If IsNull(Me.txtlastname.Value) Then
strLastName = "Like '*'"
SelectCase Me.FraLastname.Value
Case 1
strLastName = "Like '" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "*'"
Case 2
strLastName = "Like '*" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "*'"
Case 3
strLastName = "Like '*" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "'"
Case 4
strLastName = "= '" & Me.txtlastname.Value & "'"
End Select
End If
....is highlighted.
Why won't this work?