Dynamic Reports?



If I have a table which has 56 columns and on average only 22 columns
are filled, but these change, depending on what is selected. The
defaut(s) are blank. With an input form I need all 56 bound controls
as all "may" be used. In terms of a report: I only want returned the
data for a record. Specifically for an individual record, is there a
way that only the 22 columns that have changed are printed off with
their labels and bound controls in a report.

For a series of records is it possible to do the same for the
individual record above? I suspect not, as that is why we create a
static report format in access. I would like to create a dynamic
report/printout, can someone tell me is it possible? If it is, what do
MS call this and where should I look for instructions to attempt
this(books)? As a novice is this well beyond my ability?

Thanks in advance


if you have a table with 56 fields and less than half of those fields store
data per record, then i'd guess that your table is not normalized - which
leads you to the problems you're having with the report. post a list of the
fields in your table - with a very brief explanation of fields with esoteric
names - and we'll take a look.



Hi Tina list as requested

Working curtain ID
Project ID
Special Instructions
Weights If Required
Draw (opening)
Fabric Supplier
Fabric Designer
Fabric Colour
Fabric Width 54-108-3M
Fabric Repeat
Fabric Buy Price
Fabric Mark up
Fabric Sell Price
Lining Instructions
Sheer Fabric
COM Sheer width
COM sheer Repeat
Hardware instructions
Trim Top Size
Trim Leading edge
Trim Bottom Size
Trim supplier
Trim Design
Trim Colour
Trim width
Trim repeat
Trim Buy price
Trim Mark up
Trim sell price
Tieback Supplier
Tie Back Design
Tieback colour
Tieback width
Tieback repeat
Tieback Buy price
Mark up
Tieback sell price
Tieback shape
Tie back Style


you have a lot of data about different entities in one table: Fabric,
Lining, Hardware, Trim, Tieback. the fact that you have to "preface" many of
the fields with those "grouping" words is a strong clue that the fields
probably belong in separate tables. recommend that you stop in your tracks
and read up on relational design principles. you can spend the time now to
learn how to normalize your table(s) and structure your database correctly -
or you can spend the "time x n" trying to figure out ways to compensate for
poor tables/relationships design.

for more information, see


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