Dynamic sizing of a chart object



My macro creates a chart, positions its top left corner appropriately on the
worksheet and uses the following command to size the height of the chart to
fit across 8 rows of the sheet:
ActiveSheet.Shapes("MyChart").ScaleHeight 0.8, msoFalse,

My problem is that if I change the view/zoom setting, the object height does
not adjust accordingly. A scale height of 0.8 is correct when the zoom
setting is 100% and incorrect for every other setting. How do I fix this
TIA .. Greg

Jon Peltier

I find it much more reliable not to add a chart with Charts.Add, which
creates a chart sheet first, then moves it to the worksheet. I use this

Workbooks("Book1.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects.Add _
Left, Top, Width, Height

where Left, Top, etc., are positions in points. If you want to place the
chart exactly on a range of cells, say, B3:F15, use something like this:

With Workbooks("Book1.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1")
.ChartObjects.Add .Range("B3").Left, .Range("B3").Top, _
.Range("B3:F15").Width, .Range("B3:F15").Width
End With

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


Thanks Jon.
I have an issue integrating your new statement in place of the old
Charts.Add statement. This is an excerpt of the code:
With Worksheets("Traffic model")
.ChartObjects.Add .Range("G1").Left, .Range("G1").Top,
..Range("G1:k11").Width, .Range("G1:k11").Height
Set YRng = .Range(.Cells(initial_blank_count - 1, initial_column +
6), .Cells(LastRow, initial_column + 6))
Set XRng = .Range(.Cells(initial_blank_count - 1, initial_column),
..Cells(LastRow, initial_column))
With ActiveChart
.ChartType = xlLine
.SetSourceData Source:=YRng, PlotBy:=xlColumns

Debug highlights the error line to be "With ActiveChart". The error is
"Object variable or with block variable not set". If I insert a period in
front of ActiveChart, I receive the error "Object doesn't support this
property or method".

Can you advise the problem please, TIA ... Greg


re my previous post, if the period is not inserted, the error message
pertains to the following line, ie .ChartType = xlLine

Tom Ogilvy

Dim cObj as ChartObject
With Worksheets("Traffic model")
set cObj = .ChartObjects.Add( .Range("G1").Left, _
.Range("G1").Top, .Range("G1:k11").Width, _

Set YRng = .Range(.Cells(initial_blank_count - 1, _
initial_column + 6), .Cells(LastRow, initial_column + 6))
Set XRng = .Range(.Cells(initial_blank_count - 1, _
initial_column), .Cells(LastRow, initial_column))
End With
With cObj.Chart
.ChartType = xlLine
.SetSourceData Source:=YRng, PlotBy:=xlColumns

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