Dynamic template and meta tags


Stefan B Rusynko

Create a series of desired editable regions in the HEAD section

<!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" -->
<title>Your Pge title</title>
<!-- #EndEditable -->
<!-- #BeginEditable "keywords" -->
<meta name="keywords" content=" ">
<!-- #EndEditable -->
<!-- #BeginEditable "description" -->
<meta name="description" content=" ">
<!-- #EndEditable -->
<!-- #BeginEditable "metadata" -->
Your custom per page META tags here
<!-- #EndEditable -->
Your STD META tags here
<!-- #BeginEditable "scripting" -->
Your custom per page Scripts / CSS here
<!-- #EndEditable -->
Your STD Scripts / CSS here

| How do I add different meta tags to web pages using a dynamic template?
| I am working on the www.VolcanicaCoffee.com web site.

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