Hi all,
I hope someone can hep me here - I've been looking at this for days now, and I'm out of ideas.
I'll firstly explain how my db is structured...
Tbl: stockStation (a computer worstation)
PK: ss_StationId
Tbl: stockAsset (assets on a workstation)
PK: sa_AssetId
FK: sa_fk_ss_StationId
Tbl: stockFaults (faults for an asset)
sf_fk_sa_AssetId (links to sa_AssetId)
Tbl: stockFixtures (fixtures for an asset ie. patch info.)
fx_fk_sa_AssetId (links to sa_AssetId)
Tbl: stockNotes (notes related to an asset)
nt_fk_sa_AssetId (links to sa_AssetId)
All the tables are linked ok with integrity.
I have setup 3 forms...
Each main form links to stockStation, a subform control which links (via a form) to subformAsset and a further subform control which links (via a form) to either: faults, notes or fixtures.
I hope I'm making sense, thanks for bearing with me. each of these forma works well and each set of subforms works well too.
My problem came when I though the next logical step would be to put 3 buttons on the form and dynamically change each lower subform - on-the-fly so to speak. I copiedeach LinkMaster and LinkChild from
the original forms and inserted it onto the 'on click' event of the corresponding buttons. But each time I click on a button - I get a paremeter box which asks me for one of the keys - not the key
where I'm going... sometimes the key of the subform I'm leaving - sometimes the one I'm going to - it's bizzare.
If I just pick one to keep this message short, I'll explain what happens.
2nd subform control...
Name: frmSubformFaults
SourceObject: subformFaults
LinkChildFields: sf_fk_sa_AssetId
LinkMasterFields: text41 (yes, I know it a bad name - it's a text field on the main form which links to the first subform (the asset) sa_AssetId.
This loads up fine and displays the asset faults ok. So I now click a button to replace this 2nd subform with the 'notes' subform - whilst staying on the same asset...
The notes subform is set up like this...
Name: frmSubformNotes
SourceObject: subformNotes
LinkChildFields: nt_fk_sa_AssetId
LinkMasterFields: text41
I've got the following 'on click' code behind the notes button...
strSubformName = "subformNotes"
Me.frmSubformFaults.SourceObject = strSubformName
Me.frmSubformFaults.LinkChildFields = "[nt_fk_sa_AssetId]"
I then get a parameter box asking for sf_sk_sa_AssetId
I simply enter nothing, click ok and it works - it brings up the notes ok. Each button brings up the goods - but each ne asks me for a different key.
I've put messages in to try and find out the line whic bring up the parameter box and it's this one...
Me.frmSubformFaults.LinkChildFields = "[nt_fk_sa_AssetId]"
Does anyone have any idea why it's asking for a key for the subform I'm leaving behind?
And why if I don't put anything in the patameter box - it works fine. The box is bugging me and I obviously can't use it like this.
If I can offer more help I will do.
Many thanks for looking.
I hope someone can hep me here - I've been looking at this for days now, and I'm out of ideas.
I'll firstly explain how my db is structured...
Tbl: stockStation (a computer worstation)
PK: ss_StationId
Tbl: stockAsset (assets on a workstation)
PK: sa_AssetId
FK: sa_fk_ss_StationId
Tbl: stockFaults (faults for an asset)
sf_fk_sa_AssetId (links to sa_AssetId)
Tbl: stockFixtures (fixtures for an asset ie. patch info.)
fx_fk_sa_AssetId (links to sa_AssetId)
Tbl: stockNotes (notes related to an asset)
nt_fk_sa_AssetId (links to sa_AssetId)
All the tables are linked ok with integrity.
I have setup 3 forms...
Each main form links to stockStation, a subform control which links (via a form) to subformAsset and a further subform control which links (via a form) to either: faults, notes or fixtures.
I hope I'm making sense, thanks for bearing with me. each of these forma works well and each set of subforms works well too.
My problem came when I though the next logical step would be to put 3 buttons on the form and dynamically change each lower subform - on-the-fly so to speak. I copiedeach LinkMaster and LinkChild from
the original forms and inserted it onto the 'on click' event of the corresponding buttons. But each time I click on a button - I get a paremeter box which asks me for one of the keys - not the key
where I'm going... sometimes the key of the subform I'm leaving - sometimes the one I'm going to - it's bizzare.
If I just pick one to keep this message short, I'll explain what happens.
2nd subform control...
Name: frmSubformFaults
SourceObject: subformFaults
LinkChildFields: sf_fk_sa_AssetId
LinkMasterFields: text41 (yes, I know it a bad name - it's a text field on the main form which links to the first subform (the asset) sa_AssetId.
This loads up fine and displays the asset faults ok. So I now click a button to replace this 2nd subform with the 'notes' subform - whilst staying on the same asset...
The notes subform is set up like this...
Name: frmSubformNotes
SourceObject: subformNotes
LinkChildFields: nt_fk_sa_AssetId
LinkMasterFields: text41
I've got the following 'on click' code behind the notes button...
strSubformName = "subformNotes"
Me.frmSubformFaults.SourceObject = strSubformName
Me.frmSubformFaults.LinkChildFields = "[nt_fk_sa_AssetId]"
I then get a parameter box asking for sf_sk_sa_AssetId
I simply enter nothing, click ok and it works - it brings up the notes ok. Each button brings up the goods - but each ne asks me for a different key.
I've put messages in to try and find out the line whic bring up the parameter box and it's this one...
Me.frmSubformFaults.LinkChildFields = "[nt_fk_sa_AssetId]"
Does anyone have any idea why it's asking for a key for the subform I'm leaving behind?
And why if I don't put anything in the patameter box - it works fine. The box is bugging me and I obviously can't use it like this.
If I can offer more help I will do.
Many thanks for looking.