Kareem Badr
I have a web page that uses a Pivot Table object. The Pivot Table
works in OWC 9 and OWC 10, but it doesn't work in OWC 11. The problem
is that the GUID of the Pivot Table object changed in OWC 11.
So, at the top of my html file, I define the Pivot Table object as
<center><object classid="clsid:0002E520-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
This works in OWC 9 and OWC 10, but not in OWC 11.
Is there an easy way to redefine the object as a OWC 11 Pivot Table
using VBScript? I tried:
set PivotTable1 = CreateObject("owc11.PivotTable.11")
but that didn't seem to work.
works in OWC 9 and OWC 10, but it doesn't work in OWC 11. The problem
is that the GUID of the Pivot Table object changed in OWC 11.
So, at the top of my html file, I define the Pivot Table object as
<center><object classid="clsid:0002E520-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
This works in OWC 9 and OWC 10, but not in OWC 11.
Is there an easy way to redefine the object as a OWC 11 Pivot Table
using VBScript? I tried:
set PivotTable1 = CreateObject("owc11.PivotTable.11")
but that didn't seem to work.