Dynamically-linked formula, cell reference in the string


0-0 Wai Wai ^-^

I have a series of formula which use the same condition.
C1 contains the string of the testing condition, [eg IF(AND($D1=$E1, $F1=0),
"", ]
G1-Z1 make reference to condition in A1, [eg ={call the condition in C1}, {some
function to do}]

C2 contains the string of testing condition, [eg IF(AND($D2=$E2, $F2=0), "", ]
G2-Z2 make reference to condition in A1, [eg ={call the condition in C2}, {some
function to do}]

** Problem **
How can I call the testing condition (to be used by other cells)?
Note: I need to do so because I can update the testing condition once when
there're changes.
Otherwise I need to update each of them which is tedious.

For cell reference in the string, it will not be updated when I drag the formula
along the table.
Does anyone know how to slove this problem?

Additional information:
- I'm using Office XP
- I'm using Windows XP

¥»¤Hªº¯à¤O«D±`¦³­­. ¦p¦³¤£·í¤§³B, ±æÃѪ̤£§[½ç¥¿!!
After all, the above are merely my little opinion/idea.
Since my ability is limited, I could be wrong.


I don't understand "all" of what you are trying to do but som
If you want any given number of cells to reference 1 cell as i
reference cell A1, then use the following $A$1 in your formula - an
then when you copy and past the formula - all references will always g
to A1. If you want to always make a reference to 1 row and have th
columns change use A$1. If you want the rows to change but the colum
to always stay the same use $A1. The "$" is what "holds" the values t
the specific column and/or row.
If you change a value in your formula "frequently" then make
reference to a cell in your formula, i.e $A$1. Then if you want a valu
to change in mutiple cells - just change cell A1.

If you need to keep a value and make a comparison - enter 1 value i
$A$1 then copy the whole sheet - open a new sheet and do a "PASTE
"SPECIAL" and select "VALUES" then you will not need the formula


I don't understand "all" of what you are trying to do but som
If you want any given number of cells to reference 1 cell as i
reference cell A1, then use the following $A$1 in your formula - an
then when you copy and past the formula - all references will always g
to A1. If you want to always make a reference to 1 row and have th
columns change use A$1. If you want the rows to change but the colum
to always stay the same use $A1. The "$" is what "holds" the values t
the specific column and/or row.
If you change a value in your formula "frequently" then make
reference to a cell in your formula, i.e $A$1. Then if you want a valu
to change in mutiple cells - just change cell A1.

If you need to keep a value and make a comparison - enter 1 value i
$A$1 then copy the whole sheet - open a new sheet and do a "PASTE
"SPECIAL" and select "VALUES" then you will not need the formula

Héctor Miguel

hi, 0-0 Wai Wai ^-^ !
I have a series of formula which use the same condition. Eg:
C1 contains the string of the testing condition, [eg IF(AND($D1=$E1,$F1=0),"", ]
G1-Z1 make reference to condition in A1, [eg ={call the condition in C1}, {some function to do}]
C2 contains the string of testing condition, [eg IF(AND($D2=$E2, $F2=0), "", ]
G2-Z2 make reference to condition in A1, [eg ={call the condition in C2}, {some function to do}]
1) How can I call the testing condition (to be used by other cells)?
Note: I need to do so because I can update the testing condition once when there're changes.
Otherwise I need to update each of them which is tedious.
2) For cell reference in the string, it will not be updated when I drag the formula along the table.
... how to slove this problem?

1) I don't know what EXACTLY is there in 'A1'... -> {some function to do} :))
assuming there is some... 'pseudo-formulae' coding like: D1&E1&F1 ... perhaps: D5*E5
-> 'something' like a 'real' function/formula BUT starting not with the equal sign -?-

2) using named-formulae [insert > name > define...] and the old-fashion 'evaluate' xl4-macro function...
a) select 'G1' > define a name [i.e. SomethingToDo]
use the following formula: =and(!$d1=!$e1,!$f1=0)+0*now()
b) add/define another name [i.e. DoSomething]
use the following formula: =evaluate(!$a1)
-> please, note the 'signs' -> ! IT IS IMPORTANT !

3) now you can use the A1's {some function to do} in G1:Z1 as in the following manner:
[G1] =if(somethingtodo,dosomething,"") or... [i you plan to use in several cells]...
[G1] =choose(1+somethingtodo,"Nothing to do!",dosomething)

NOTE: there is a possibe 'risk' of an xl-crash... while defining names as suggested...
if you copy the worksheets that uses them -?- so...
use this proposal on your own... risk, criteria, modifications, etc.

¥»¤Hªº¯à¤O«D±`¦³­­. ¦p¦³¤£·í¤§³B, ±æÃѪ̤£§[½ç¥¿!!
After all, the above are merely my little opinion/idea.
Since my ability is limited, I could be wrong.

p.s. I liked the 'slogan'... but can't understand the 'original' text :D

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