Dynamicaly get current date to staically store in merge documnet



This is a nice place to get practical help. I wish I can get some help for this

I created a merge document. There was a bookmark for automatically fill in date with mm/dd/yyyy format. I did this by using "Ask" filed once to get dynamically date each time for tons of new merge document while I run merge document. But now I want to use macro to achieve this. I wish I can merge document using the current date, but the date kept no changing by system once the date in the merged document, also if I merge a new document on other dates, it also get its current date to save the date permenatly to new document. I do not know how to achieve this by VB in Word 2002. Thanks!

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Save the mailmerge main document as a template and use a { CREATEDATE }
field in it. Then when you want to execute a merge, use File>New to create
a new document from the template and it will have the current date inserted
into it and that date will not change.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
helen said:
This is a nice place to get practical help. I wish I can get some help for this.

I created a merge document. There was a bookmark for automatically fill in
date with mm/dd/yyyy format. I did this by using "Ask" filed once to get
dynamically date each time for tons of new merge document while I run merge
document. But now I want to use macro to achieve this. I wish I can merge
document using the current date, but the date kept no changing by system
once the date in the merged document, also if I merge a new document on
other dates, it also get its current date to save the date permenatly to new
document. I do not know how to achieve this by VB in Word 2002. Thanks!

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