E-Commerce Wizard



We have MS FP2002 and are using MS bCentral services. The
interface to this is the E-Commerce wizard (a FP add-on).
This add-on will not complete it's cycle. It updates
the "templates" but, stalls when it goes to create
the "catalog" pages. The stall causes us to close the
program (FP)and try again. We have had this issue for
over a year. The support team has recommended removing
all cookies form our system and updating
the "departments" one at a time. This not not work. Has
anyone else experienced this? If so, how have you
resolved it?


I have just downloaded the E-Commerce Wizard 11.11.03
and it is doing the same thing to me. I just can not seem
to get it too work. It is doing exactly this to me!
I am also experiencing the computer coming up with a
runtime error of 430?? I have no idea what this means.
I would be glad for advice from anyone who has
successfully used E-Commerce Wizard.
Cheers Isa.

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