To do that you need to use a hypertext field rather than a text field. In
the hypertext field, you'd append the standard internet command "MailTo:" in
front of the actual address. You could use a simple update query to copy
over all the email addresses into the new hypertext field. What you'd want
to place in the hypertext field would be this type of value for a standard
(e-mail address removed)#mailto:
[email protected]#
The reason for the format shown above is that Access uses a pairing in a
hypertext field with the first part of the pair representing the display
value and second part within the # signs as the actual hyperlink command so
say you have a text field called email and your new field is call email2,
then for the update value of email2 it would look like:
[tableName]. & "#mailto:"& [tableName].[email] & "#"