E-Mail Addresses



Good Day:

I have a membership database complete with a field for e-mail addresses.

Is it possible to link up the DB with outlook and/or outlook express to send
out mass e-mails to our members?



Larry Linson

CaptAdmCoy said:
Good Day:

I have a membership database complete with a field for e-mail addresses.

Is it possible to link up the DB with outlook and/or outlook express to
out mass e-mails to our members?

There's an article, vintage Access / Outlook 97, at
http://www.mvps.org/access/modules/mdl0019.htm. I suspect the approach will
still work.

In the Module Window, check Help for "Sendobject".

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


I have been using WorldMerge (www.coloradosoft.com) for just this purpose for
about three years, and I am very happy with the results. It links up with
Access tables and queries quite easily.



I saw the below-mentioned thread. However, my eyes are glazing over with
trying to make it fit my scenario...

I have a volunteer database. My tables are: Parent-Guardian,
Parent-Guardian Volunteer Op Selection, Students, Teachers, Volunteer Hours
and Volunteer Opportunities. I want to send an e-mail to every
parent/guardian that signed up for a particular Volunteer Opportunity. I
will type a note using Outlook but I want it to be a mass e-mail. How can I
go about running a report or query that will help me do this? My tables that
should have the data needed are as follows:

Mom/Guardian Name
Dad/Guardian Name

tbl_Parent-Guardian Volunteer Op Selection

tbl_Volunteer Opportunities

I appreciate the help and feedback...


Tom Wickerath

Hi Alissa,
I saw the below-mentioned thread. However, my eyes are glazing over with
trying to make it fit my scenario...

Sorry about that...I guess having one's eyes glazed over is better than the
classic "deer-in-the-headlights" look. said:
I will type a note using Outlook but ...

In this case, it would be easier to create a form in Access, with a text box
large enough to type your note. Name it something like txtMessageBody (or
whatever makes sense to you). You will add a command button to this form to
actually send the message. You have a choice. You can either send a separate
message to each e-mail address (or set of e-mail addresses [MomEMail +
DadEMail]), or you can send out one message to all receipients at one time
(subject to the limitations of your Internet Service Provider or ISP).

If you pick the second option, then you would likely want the e-mail
addresses to be entered into the Bcc (Blind Copy) line, so that you would not
be exposing everyone's e-mail address to all receipients. Some ISP's have
strict limits on the number of e-mail addresses that can be entered into a
Bcc line; too many will trigger a spam filter, which may block the message
all together. How many total e-mail addresses are we talking (approximately)?

I can probably give you more effective help off-line, if you wish to send me
a sample database. You can use a smaller subset of data, with fake names and
e-mail addresses. I can put some time into helping you on this now, but any
extensive help will need to wait until after June 4th. If you want to take me
up on this offer, please contact me off-line. My e-mail address is available
at the bottom of the contributor's page indicated in my signature. Whatever
you do, please do not post your e-mail address or mine to a newsgroup
message. Doing so will only attract the unwanted attention of spammers.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP


hey if you want more help from Tom, you could probably call him

I found his address and phone number at zabbasearch.com

15851 12TH PL
BELLEVUE, WA 98008 (425) 562-8913

Hi Alissa,
I saw the below-mentioned thread. However, my eyes are glazing over with
trying to make it fit my scenario...

Sorry about that...I guess having one's eyes glazed over is better than the
classic "deer-in-the-headlights" look. said:
I will type a note using Outlook but ...

In this case, it would be easier to create a form in Access, with a text box
large enough to type your note. Name it something like txtMessageBody (or
whatever makes sense to you). You will add a command button to this form to
actually send the message. You have a choice. You can either send a separate
message to each e-mail address (or set of e-mail addresses [MomEMail +
DadEMail]), or you can send out one message to all receipients at one time
(subject to the limitations of your Internet Service Provider or ISP).

If you pick the second option, then you would likely want the e-mail
addresses to be entered into the Bcc (Blind Copy) line, so that you would not
be exposing everyone's e-mail address to all receipients. Some ISP's have
strict limits on the number of e-mail addresses that can be entered into a
Bcc line; too many will trigger a spam filter, which may block the message
all together. How many total e-mail addresses are we talking (approximately)?

I can probably give you more effective help off-line, if you wish to send me
a sample database. You can use a smaller subset of data, with fake names and
e-mail addresses. I can put some time into helping you on this now, but any
extensive help will need to wait until after June 4th. If you want to take me
up on this offer, please contact me off-line. My e-mail address is available
at the bottom of the contributor's page indicated in my signature. Whatever
you do, please do not post your e-mail address or mine to a newsgroup
message. Doing so will only attract the unwanted attention of spammers.

Microsoft Access MVPhttps://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/Tomhttp://www.access.qbuilt.com/html/expert_contributors.html

achapman said:
I saw the below-mentioned thread. However, my eyes are glazing over with
trying to make it fit my scenario...
I have a volunteer database. My tables are: Parent-Guardian,
Parent-Guardian Volunteer Op Selection, Students, Teachers, Volunteer Hours
and Volunteer Opportunities. I want to send an e-mail to every
parent/guardian that signed up for a particular Volunteer Opportunity. I
will type a note using Outlook but I want it to be a mass e-mail. How can I
go about running a report or query that will help me do this? My tables that
should have the data needed are as follows:
Mom/Guardian Name
Dad/Guardian Name
tbl_Parent-Guardian Volunteer Op Selection
tbl_Volunteer Opportunities
I appreciate the help and feedback...
Alissa- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

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