E-mail autocorrect language


Johannes Beyer

I have a problem that I cant find a solution for.

When ever I respond to an email the language of my response email is
sometimes set to Danish, as I want it to be, but sometimes (often) it is set
to English, which is quite annoying, as the auto correction feature changes
tries to correct my Danish using English language rules and spelling.

The language of my response email seems to be set to the language of the
email I respond to, but I'm not 100% sure.

E.g. if I respond to an email that was written using English language, my
response email would also be set to English language. I do not want this
behavior, but I can't find the place to deactivate this behavior within the
Outlook configuration menus.

I'm using Microsoft Outlook 2002 SP1.

Please help


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