E-Mail error using Word.


Ken Mac

Can anybody please help with the following problem.

I am using Microsoft Office 2003 and I have it set up to use Word for
writing e-mails. Every time I try to create a new e-mail by using either
word itself or open new Office document and then pressing the E-Mail envelope
I get the following error message.

"You cannot close Microsoft Office word because a dialogue box is open.
Click OK, switch to word, and then close the dialogue box."

When you then press OK you get the following error message and the blank
e-mail page will still not open.

"Word could not load the E-Mail envelope. This could be caused by a network
connection problem or a problem with your office installation."

I have tried completely uninstalling office and reinstalling it but it has
made no difference. I still get the same error message every time. I am
able to open the blank e-mail form using Word providing I open Microsoft
Outlook first and use the link within outlook.

This problem is driving me absolutely nuts and I will be eternally grateful
to anybody who can help me solve it. Any ideas or suggestions will be
gratefully received.

Charles Kenyon

There is no good reason to be using Word as your email editor. The editor
built into Outlook will almost certainly do everything you want. This
connection or ability is a legacy to when Outlook was much more primitive
(and smaller).
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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from my ignorance and your wisdom.


I am having the same problem and it's making me crazy. I've found three
solutions in the Microsoft knowledgebase; none of them work.

I'd like to fix it, as I create HTML emails in Word.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Long shot: if you are using Norton AntiVirus, disable its Office Plug-in.

Ken Mac


I removed the Mcafee E-Mail scanning add-in from Outlook and it fixed the
problem straightaway. I then reinstalled the Mcafee E-Mail scanning add-in
and the problem has remained fixed. Thank you so very much for your help.

Kind Regards,

Ken Mac.

Ken Mac


I really do appreciate your help in sorting out this problem because it has
been driving me mad for weeks. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time
to advise me of a cure.

Kind Regards,

Ken Mac.

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