Soccer Chick
My inbox is displaying no messages available, yet I know i had close to 250
e-mails in my inbox (yes I know I need to clean it up!). All I did was switch
over to another user on the machine and then when I switched back they were
all gone. But the weird part is - the navigator bar ont he left hand side of
the screen tells me that I have 3 unread messages. I click in to junk mail
and other folders and back again, but still can;t get it to show me my mail,
unread or otherwise.
e-mails in my inbox (yes I know I need to clean it up!). All I did was switch
over to another user on the machine and then when I switched back they were
all gone. But the weird part is - the navigator bar ont he left hand side of
the screen tells me that I have 3 unread messages. I click in to junk mail
and other folders and back again, but still can;t get it to show me my mail,
unread or otherwise.