E-mail messages are accessible only on 1 of my 2 computer why?



Why are message not accessible on both computers. They only appear on one.
Feedback appeciated. M.Hanson

Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]

There's a whole lot of information you did NOT supply, so this is largely a
guess as to what's happening. Assuming you have a POP3 account, set the
POP3 service in both machines to "Leave a copy of messages on the server".
All email will then be available to both machines; set ONE of the two (it
doesn't matter which one) to "Remove from server after (xx) day(s)" so mail
doesn't pile up on your ISP's server.

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' - www.badnewsbluesband.com

Brian Tillman

marrose said:
Why are message not accessible on both computers. They only appear
on one.

Because you have not told Outlook to leave copies on the server so that,
after one PC downloads the messages, copies remain so that the other PC can
download them as well.

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