Is there a possibility to send an e-mail to all users on a epm-server on an
easy way?
I want to send admin-infos like service shut down to all users.
Hi Oliver,
If you are using Exchange 2000/2003 you could create a mail Distribution
Group that includes all email entries from Project Server users. But
unfortunately there isn't a mechanism in place that would automatically
include all your Project Server users. But you could try this:
1. Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager
2. Expand the ProjectServer database
3. Expand Tables
4. Right click on MSP_WEB_RESOURCES, select Open Table, Return all rows
5. Click on the heading WRES_EMAIL (this will select the entire column)
6. Right click anywhere in the highlighted area and select Copy.
7. Open Notepad
8. Right click in the document and select Paste
9. Delete WRES_EMAIL from the first line of the document
10. Save the document
11. Send this document to the person responsible for creating
distribution lists on your mail server and they should be able to copy
and paste the contents with no problems. In fact, if you use Exchange
2000/2003 they will be able to verify your list of names with network
Good Luck
Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant
IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training