E-mail notifications through Microsoft Exchange Server.



Is it possible to setup Project Server in the way when it send
notifications through Microsoft Exchange Server instead of (togethe
with) SMTP?

Thanks in advance

Rolly Perreaux

Is it possible to setup Project Server in the way when it sends
notifications through Microsoft Exchange Server instead of (together
with) SMTP?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Matvey,

I'm not too sure what you mean when you say "...through Microsoft
Exchange Server instead of (together with) SMTP?", because Exchange uses
the SMTP protocol to send mail

The big thing with Project Server is that if you use other mail server
products such Lotus Notes, Novell Groupwise, or Sendmail, etc. it
doesn't care. As long as it can send email over SMTP it's a happy

In fact it will work with the no frills Windows Server POP3 Mail Service

Good Luck

Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training


Sorry if I did not clearly describe my problem.

The situation is the following:
If SMTP is switched off on SMTP it uses some MAPI protocol (Microsof
native). Sorry, MS Exchange is not my strong side so I don't kno
I just know that SMTP/POP3 does not work on our server and we use M
Outlook for mail send/receive.

As I know other servers optionaly allow sending notifications throug
For correct communication with MS Exchange they use MAPI profile.

So the question is:
Is it possible to organize such configuration on MSPS?


Rolly Perreaux

Matvey.1sdpy8 said:
Sorry if I did not clearly describe my problem.

The situation is the following:
If SMTP is switched off on SMTP it uses some MAPI protocol (Microsoft
native). Sorry, MS Exchange is not my strong side so I don't know
I just know that SMTP/POP3 does not work on our server and we use MS
Outlook for mail send/receive.

As I know other servers optionaly allow sending notifications through
For correct communication with MS Exchange they use MAPI profile.

So the question is:
Is it possible to organize such configuration on MSPS?


Hi Matvey,

Sorry for the bad news, but...
No SMTP server = No Project Server notifications

Rolly Perreaux
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

The most important aspect of communications between Project Server and
Exchange is that the Project Server IP Address is allowed to relay mail
through exchange. This is configured on the Exchange server.

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