E-mail signature changes font size for replies and forwards



When replying or forwarding e-mail messages, my e-mail signature font size
increases from the smaller setup size to a 12 pt for all entered text within
the signature. This issue recently started happening to Outlook 2003 which I
have never had this problem for years. So I figured I would upgrade to
Oulook 2007 and it still happens, I even recreated a new signature from
scratch and no luck.
When I start a new e-mail mesage the signature is exactly as I created it.
So it only happens with relies or forwards.
Additional info: font style is Arial and the first two lines (my name and
company) are 10pt and the remaining four lines (address, city/state/zip,
Phone & fax) are 8pt. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance,

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