We are using Outlook here at work and have created some
distribution lists, but when you send an e-mail to one
of them everyone's name shows up as a recipient which
does not look very professional. Then I tried bcc'ing to
the distribution list and noones name shows up as a
recipient which looks hokie as well. Is there a way to
send to a distribution list and have either the list name
show up in the recipients spot, or to have the recipients
address show up in the to spot, but not all of the
additional recipients?
distribution lists, but when you send an e-mail to one
of them everyone's name shows up as a recipient which
does not look very professional. Then I tried bcc'ing to
the distribution list and noones name shows up as a
recipient which looks hokie as well. Is there a way to
send to a distribution list and have either the list name
show up in the recipients spot, or to have the recipients
address show up in the to spot, but not all of the
additional recipients?