


I'm trying to send an Excel file (xls) with a macro as e-mail attachment.
But the receiver says the macro doesn't work when she gets it Any ideas?

Paul B

Junior, I would have them check there security setting first to see if this
is keeping them from running

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Using Excel 2000 & 97
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Paul B said:
Junior, I would have them check there security setting first to see if this
is keeping them from running

The other possibility is that the macro is actually built into a
different file from teh one you are sending. Double chekc which file
actually contains the macro.

Humans have to stop treating each other like they treat us ants. Think
about it. If we build, say, a pair of very tall structures, like two
anthills side-by-side, some stupid human swoops in out of nowhere and
knocks them down. Or humans will drop food on the ground near us. we
think it's for us, but those same humans will also try to kill us! I
have no sense of irony, I'm just an ant. But if I did, I'm sure I'd
notice that.

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