E-mails sent by AOL user disable Word as my Outlook e-mail editor!


Aaron in LA

My mother (alas) still clings to AOL for her e-mail. Simply opening the
e-mails is no problem. But when I hit CTRL-R to reply. two unfortunate things

1) Outlook hangs for about 20-30 seconds.
2) A window pops-up containing the following message: "Microsoft Word is set
to be your e-mail editor. However, Word is unavailable, not installed, or is
not the same version as Outlook. The Outlook editor will be used instead."

I have Office 2003 installed, so Word is in fact available, and it is the
same version. The Outlook editor is, of course, much less robust than the
Word editor. To restore Word as my editor, I have to close out of then
restart Outlook.

It's all irksome and an unnessary waste of time. It happens ONLY when I hit
CTRL-R to reply to my mother's e-mail.

All Freudian analysis aside, is there anything I can do to rectify the
situation and improve the way my mother communicate?

Thank you.

p.s. I'm running Vista OS, but this happened also when I was running Windows

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