helene and gabor
Most of my saved VBA codes disappeared. When one clicks on MS Excel a blank
sheet with cells appears- as it should.
When one clicks on Developer, Visual basic the VBE screen appears,
with a short program (that I entered some time ago)
Sub amacro()
End sub
The top of the screen is troubling:
Microsoft Visual Basic function_custom.xlsm [module2(Code)]
If a program is entered here then after a while it disappears. The above
function can not be deleted !!
When one tries to save the program using the save feature of the Excel grid
then the name of the file appears on the VBE sheet just temporarily.
My only thought is to delete Excel and reenter it. Your help will be
Gabor Sebo
Most of my saved VBA codes disappeared. When one clicks on MS Excel a blank
sheet with cells appears- as it should.
When one clicks on Developer, Visual basic the VBE screen appears,
with a short program (that I entered some time ago)
Sub amacro()
End sub
The top of the screen is troubling:
Microsoft Visual Basic function_custom.xlsm [module2(Code)]
If a program is entered here then after a while it disappears. The above
function can not be deleted !!
When one tries to save the program using the save feature of the Excel grid
then the name of the file appears on the VBE sheet just temporarily.
My only thought is to delete Excel and reenter it. Your help will be
Gabor Sebo