Earned Value Calcultion based on Cost1 field


Syahril Alfian

Before knowing MS Project I used to use MS Excel doing the scheduling and
cost estimating.
After getting the Total Estimate Cost, I calculate the Contingency Allowance
cost, say 10% from the Total Cost, then I get the Grand Total Estimate Cost
by summing both cost. I applied contingency allowance calculation to
cover/anticipating any small materials that not calculate/include in the
Now I can do that in MS Project, I insert Number1 field or Text1 field to
put my contingency allowance number, and then I insert Cost1 field, rename it
as Grand Total and apply a formula that using contingency allowance number
for each task. The formula I use: Grand Total(Cost1)
The PROBLEM is Earned Value Analysis/Calculation can only based on the cost
in “Cost†column, CAN NOT be based on my Grand Total (Cost1), or Cost2, Cost3
and so on.
I WISH this can be done in the next version of MS Project, like there is
option to based Earned Value either on % Complete or Physical % Complete,
Baseline1, Baseline2 and so on thru the menu Tools-Options…..,
Schedule-Earned Value…..


Syahril Alfian

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Jim Aksel [MVP]

We add a contingency task to the baseline as a separate work package and let
that roll up to total cost. If someone wants to transfer $$ out of
contingency we create a cost task for that amount and a similar "new scope"
task in the work package that receives the funds.

There's mroe to it than just the EV. For example, you should be asking if
the money coming from contingency is allowing the other work package to have
(1) An authorized increase in EAC with no change to basline (BAC), (2) Are
you authorizing an increase to the receiving workpackage BAC (new baseline),
or (3) is there a new work package required.

I have a white paper that discussess a similar topic as releated to items in
a risk register. Check my blog at www.msprojectblog.com , select MS Project
Tips then scroll down to the paper on Risk Register. It gives you more
detail on what I discussed here.


Jim Aksel

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