I've been asked to start tracking earned value on our projects. We have not
entered any of the cost fields in Microsoft project before.
I want to graph the information by month to show cumulative projected
expenditures (baseline), cumulative actual expenditures, and cumulative
earned value at the end of each month. I set up a "trial" project to play
with and I understand how the earned value fields are calculating. My
question comes when I try to export the data to excel to graph it, it exports
the total BCWS, ACWP, and BCWP for whatever status date I have selected.
Can I enter information in Project by month, so that it will save the total
for each month. I want to have an ACWP for Jan., Feb., etc. Or do I just
export the data to Excel at the end of each month. I tried entering
information on different status dates, but it still exported the total up to
the selected status date. Rather than exporting the cumulative total for each
month, it would show the same amount for each month.
Any input is appreciated. Also, if anyone knows how to find out about
locations and schedules for Microsoft Project training classes, I'm
entered any of the cost fields in Microsoft project before.
I want to graph the information by month to show cumulative projected
expenditures (baseline), cumulative actual expenditures, and cumulative
earned value at the end of each month. I set up a "trial" project to play
with and I understand how the earned value fields are calculating. My
question comes when I try to export the data to excel to graph it, it exports
the total BCWS, ACWP, and BCWP for whatever status date I have selected.
Can I enter information in Project by month, so that it will save the total
for each month. I want to have an ACWP for Jan., Feb., etc. Or do I just
export the data to Excel at the end of each month. I tried entering
information on different status dates, but it still exported the total up to
the selected status date. Rather than exporting the cumulative total for each
month, it would show the same amount for each month.
Any input is appreciated. Also, if anyone knows how to find out about
locations and schedules for Microsoft Project training classes, I'm