Ease (or dis-ease) of outline creation ON2007



Grant Robinson raised an important issue with his recent comparison of ON2003
and 2007 in the methods of outline creation in ink. Does anyone know if the
ON2003 method will be back by release? Yes, I will make anote on Connect, now
that backbone problems are fixed here in our state...

Outlining was what I expectd to do a lot in ON. As I did not get much chance
to use ON2003 I wasn't very good at inking "recognizably" for the handwriting
software as I took up 2007. I expected that I would improve and tune up my
dictionary to meet common misunderstandings. But I'm testing ON as a hub for
teaching elementary school -- against InfoSelect which is a strong outliner
or perhaps Mind Manager.

Obviously ON has good strengths for other key features, even if the
outlining has to be keyboarded and is really just consistent visual
indentation... maybe inked in Word's Outline View? I'll have to try that!

I wanted to see follow-up comments from the ON team or someone who has some
idea what the goal will be for the final form. I don't remember any mention
of this on Chris's blog about ON design decisions.

Grant, thank you for calling attention to the change in features.

Jonathan Rawle

Grant Robertson

B?Sm9uYXRoYW4=?= <jonathan7zerozero7(use numbers) at yahew dot usual
domain> says...
Grant, an apology for misspelling your name in my post! Everyone -- it was
Grant Robertson who wrote on the 24th:

That's OK. Perhaps you can get MS to allow your school to downgrade to ON
03 for a dual install of both versions. Then you can use 03 for outlining
and import it into 07 when you are finished and want to incorporate it
into the rest of your notes. Naturally, this is a one way process with
all that implies but it's the best we can do.


Grant Robertson said:
That's OK. Perhaps you can get MS to allow your school to downgrade to ON
03 for a dual install of both versions. Then you can use 03 for outlining
and import it into 07 when you are finished and want to incorporate it
into the rest of your notes. Naturally, this is a one way process with
all that implies but it's the best we can do.
I am testing ON2007 (and the rest of Office2007) all by myself. No one else
is even trying ON of any stripe yet. There's little money for tech stuff here
(to date.) And little appetite for it.

We were given new R51 ThinkPad laptops in late May with little advance
warning and about 20 minutes of training after suffering with 1998 desktops
running Win98 for a long time. These laptops had Office 2003 components like
Word, Excel and Powerpoint and Outlook. However, our entire state has to use
Lotus Notes for e-mail...

I talked to our state-approved source rep about ed licensing. OneNote's
available for a very good value.

So I will give a demo of OneNote 2003 at the beginning-of-year meetings in
late July and tell people we can get this for very little money and suggest
that everyone give it a try. Especially within my grade, because we could
send each other OneNote items. I have my own tablet I am trying and that's
got the 2007 version. I will have the school ThinkPad with ON2003, even if no
one wants to go ahead among the faculty. So I will have access to both.

I saw that you keep both ON versions on one computer. Does that work OK?
That would be easier, obviously.

Jonathan Rawle

BTW, thanks again for your thoughtful posts here. They have been very
helpful clarifying what I got myself in for by trying the beta. I, too, may
have expected a little too much from inking, and more capabilties than 2003.
In some areas we got it: the Outlook integration/interoperability. That's
what made me want to start the school year with 2007 already running.

Grant Robertson

B?Sm9uYXRoYW4=?= <jonathan7zerozero7(use numbers) at yahew dot usual
domain> says...
I saw that you keep both ON versions on one computer. Does that work OK?
That would be easier, obviously.

With the ON 07 beta I find that ON 07 goes to about 100% CPU when ON 03
is running. It only seems to slow things down a little bit it does keep
the CPU fan on my Tablet PC going full time. If I weren't plugged in
almost all the time this would really bug me. Plus I assume they will get
things like that fixed by RTM.

Patrick Schmid

I don't know how supported the configuration of running them at the same
time will be. My guess is that they will support side-by-side install,
but not side-by-side execution.

Patrick Schmid

Grant Robertson

pds- said:
I don't know how supported the configuration of running them at the same
time will be. My guess is that they will support side-by-side install,
but not side-by-side execution.

However, no program should ever hit 100% CPU just because some other
program is running. It's a sign that there may be other serious things
going on.