Easy deployment?




Here is the question that I have...
Suppose that I created info path form using web service...
Some dropdown list data will be retrieved from the web service...
(Suppose that web service url is http://A/test.asmx)...

In info path, is there any way I can create configuration file?
For example...something like..
Test.xsn file is created with the http://A/test.asmx...
If there is something like Test.xsn.config....
When Test.xsn and Test.xsn.config files are deployed, end-user doesn't have
modify the xsn file again to set different web server...Only thing they need
to change the WebServiceURL in Test.xns.config....

Could it be possibe?...

I just try to find some easy for configuration such as web service url or
database connection string without modifying info path template file



Franck Dauché

Hi TJ,

Yes you can store your new URL in a secondary data source document and use
code to update the URL. The code below will get you started:

function XDocument::OnLoad(eventObj)

var myURL = "http://localhost/PopulateCities/Service1.asmx";

//var firstAdapter = XDocument.DataAdapters[0]; or the 2 next lines:
var theDataObject = XDocument.DataObjects.Item("GetCities");
var firstAdapter = theDataObject.QueryAdapter;

var tmpXmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("msxml2.domdocument.5.0");
var serviceUrlNode
XDocument.UI.Alert("Before: " + serviceUrlNode.text);
serviceUrlNode.text = myURL;
XDocument.UI.Alert("After: " + serviceUrlNode.text);
firstAdapter.Operation = tmpXmlDoc.xml
// Run a query with the changed serviceUrl

Hope that it helps.


Franck Dauché

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