Easy eay to copy / paste a formula in column



I have a formula that subtracts an individuals birthdate from the current
date (V1).


Is there any easy way to copy and paste this in each cell of a column
without the current date (V1) incrementing?

If I drag the corner of the cell it increments, if I copy and paste it

i.e., =YEAR(V1)-YEAR(U53) ; =YEAR(V2)-YEAR(U54) ; =YEAR(V3)-YEAR(U55)
and so on and so on.


Jacob Skaria

Use absolute referencing. Below are the different reference styles.
A1 Relative referencing. Both column and row will change if you copy or drag
the formula.
$A1 The column reference is fixed and will not change
A$1 The row reference is fixed and will not change.
$A$1 Column and row reference are fixed.

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