Easy Help!



ok i know this may be a silly question, but where do i see the name of a text
box. If I have 5 text boxes on a doc, where do i see their respective names?
TextBox1, TextBox2, etc.


Jay Freedman

ok i know this may be a silly question, but where do i see the name of a text
box. If I have 5 text boxes on a doc, where do i see their respective names?
TextBox1, TextBox2, etc.


If you mean text boxes as in "Insert > Text Box", they don't have
names unless you use a macro to assign names to them, and then the
names are visible only to a macro. For example, you can assign one

ActiveDocument.Shapes(1).Name = "TextBox1"

and then you would be able to get the text it contains with

aString = ActiveDocument.Shapes("TextBox1").TextFrame.TextRange.Text

If you mean text boxes as in text form fields, double-click each one
in turn to open its Properties dialog. The box labeled "Bookmark"
shows the name of the form field.


Add the Select Multiple Objects tool to a toolbar or the QAT -- I have no
idea which since you make no mention of what version of Word you're using.
It produces a dialog box that lists all drawing objects by name, including
text boxes.

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