easy one



Really easy but confusing for me as I am learning,

I am preactising script from a VBA for Excel 2003 book and I come to
believe the code in the book is not always accurate, but I am not sure
at all since it is published by a well-known and established
editor..anyway, here are the line I am bothered with exactly taken
from the book but it doesn't work as it should...:

Dim RedefineDate As Integer
RedefineDate = MsgBox("blablabla?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "blablabla")

If RedefineDate = vbYes Then
Range(MaPlage).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Call Deadline 'start the procedure from the beginning
End If

I just took out the part of the prg where I think the problem lies.

Let me know if you need to see the whole prg.




Running the script gives me "running error 1004 ... range on global
object has failed".

If that can help...

Shauna Kelly


Are you running this code in Excel? Is it supposed to be operating on an
Excel workbook? You've posted your message to a Word newsgroup. If you're
working in Excel, I suggest you post to an Excel group.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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