Really easy but confusing for me as I am learning,
I am preactising script from a VBA for Excel 2003 book and I come to
believe the code in the book is not always accurate, but I am not sure
at all since it is published by a well-known and established
editor..anyway, here are the line I am bothered with exactly taken
from the book but it doesn't work as it should...:
Dim RedefineDate As Integer
RedefineDate = MsgBox("blablabla?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "blablabla")
If RedefineDate = vbYes Then
Range(MaPlage).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Call Deadline 'start the procedure from the beginning
End If
I just took out the part of the prg where I think the problem lies.
Let me know if you need to see the whole prg.
I am preactising script from a VBA for Excel 2003 book and I come to
believe the code in the book is not always accurate, but I am not sure
at all since it is published by a well-known and established
editor..anyway, here are the line I am bothered with exactly taken
from the book but it doesn't work as it should...:
Dim RedefineDate As Integer
RedefineDate = MsgBox("blablabla?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "blablabla")
If RedefineDate = vbYes Then
Range(MaPlage).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Call Deadline 'start the procedure from the beginning
End If
I just took out the part of the prg where I think the problem lies.
Let me know if you need to see the whole prg.