Easy way to turn off check spelling while type



A friend uses Word for writing in 2 different languages - English and non
English. When writing in English she wants the check spelling while you
type. When using non English, she doesn't (every word gets marked as
error). Is there an easy way to turn this off (can it be stored in a
Template)? (I removed the i to I in autocorrect which was a significant
time saver.)
WORD 2003

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, language can be stored in a template. Format the Normal style in the
template as "Do not check spelling or grammar," and this should trickle down
to most other styles. Alternatively, in a given document, you can click
"Hide spelling/grammar errors in this document" on the Spelling & Grammar
tab of Tools | Options.


go to Tools\spelling and grammar\options and uncheck "check spelling as you
type" then ok. :)

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