Most e-readers don't support doc or docx files. Some come with software that
can convert your document to a format the reader can understand, but that's
about it. So there is no template that 'supports' ebooks.
You don't really format books for an e-reader. The e-reader is responsible
for doing that. It has to take into account its screen size, the font the
user requests, the size of that font, ... So there is no template containing
styling information that is best used for ebooks.
The most commonly accepted ebook format nowadays is epub. An epub is
basically a zip package containing one or more xhtml files with images and
other things. The closest Word can get to xhtml files are filtered html
Hence, when creating an ebook, a basic rule of thumb you can follow is:
don't use any features that are removed when you save your document as a
filtered webpage (html).