Ecluding Archived projects on the open window



Is there anyway to exclude projects that have been
archived from showing in the list of projects presented
in the open project window using project 2003 against
project server 2003? Possibly a SQL server view?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Susan --

You might create a custom Project outline code field, name it something like
Project Status, and then include outline code values in the field such as
Planned, In Production, On Hold, and Archived. You would need to open every
project and select a Project Status value for the project, then save and
publish the project to the Project Server database. Once done, users can
click File - Open and apply grouping to the projects listed using the
Project Status field.

An alternate approach would be to teach people to apply filtering to a
custom Project Center view that includes the Project Status field. Using
filtering, they could exclude all of the archived projects from the list of
projects. Just a couple of ideas. Hope this helps.

John Bridgman

An alternate approach would be to teach people to apply filtering to a
custom Project Center view that includes the Project Status field. Using
filtering, they could exclude all of the archived projects from the list of
projects. Just a couple of ideas. Hope this helps.

Is there some "magic" project center view which is used to control which
projects appear in the Open dialog for the MS Project Professional client ?

Sorry if I'm being thick here, just don't see how changing a Project Center
view can affect what appears in the client's Open dialog otherwise.

We have a similar problem with Baseline versions of the projects... they
keep appearing in the Open dialog and confusing our users. There doesn't seem
to be anything in the security model to prevent users from seeing specific
versons of a project.

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