edit bookmark in protected document


Taco Bandstra

I have created a template with checkboxes to let users decide which bookmark they want to see and which not. Is it possible to let the users edit the bookmarks while the rest of the document is protected?


Hi Taco Bandstra

I'm not exactly sure as to how far back this
functionality goes, but in Word 2003 you can set your
protection type to "Comment Protection".

With this type of protection set, you can specify a
region of text that allows nominated users to freely edit
that area (in effect creating an exclusion). If you
include your bookmarks into those exclusion zones, you
should be able to get the functionality you're after.

To perform this manually:
Bring up your "Protect Document" task pane.
Select "Comments" as your Editing Restrictions. Select a
region of text containing your bookmarks and then add a
user or group from the "Exceptions" part of that dialog.
Finally press "Yes, Start Enforcing Protection". You
should see the exclusion areas highlighted.

To do this programatically via VBA:
Create a selection object for the text that includes your
bookmarks. Do a "Selection.Editors.Add" to set which
users can edit that region. Finally, send the
command "ActiveDocument.Protect" to turn on the

Hope that helps,


-----Original Message-----
I have created a template with checkboxes to let users
decide which bookmark they want to see and which not. Is
it possible to let the users edit the bookmarks while the
rest of the document is protected?

Taco Bandstra

I tried the manually solution and Word highlights the selection but i am not allowed to edit after protecting the document. Eventhough my user is named in the exceptionsbox.

For the VBA solution, i am green in VBA programming. How do you create a selection for the text that includes the bookmarks?

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