Edit Button - Groove 3.1


Marc Dimmick

I have created a script button

Edit / EditThisDocument(); / stdEditButton

then created a Field Group

Class Name: stdEditButton
and selected std Edit Button

But I still can not get the button to be active in preview mode. I have the
script Rapid.js Version #4

What am I missing????


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker

Hugh Pyle [MSFT]

In your form's OnAfterInitialize script, call
EnableField("stdEditButton",true) (to enable the button in all modes).

Hugh Pyle / Program Manager / Microsoft Office Groove

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

in message
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Marc Dimmick

I have entered


into the file System callouts script for 1. New Request

I have entered the above with and without a ; at the end of the line. I am
still not getting it to work.


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker

Marc Dimmick

I got it to work thanks Hugh, I missed the OnAfterInitialize part. :)


Marc Dimmick

"The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Dr.Peter F. Drucker

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