Edit data in pop up and save to subform

  • Thread starter Gary via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

Gary via AccessMonster.com

I have a subform datasheet on my form. When I click on edit, I get a pop up
with data from that subform to edit. Which is fine. But now, when the user
chooses an item from the drop list of this pop up form, I need to write out
the current record, change a couple of fields to say closed, and then write
out a new record to the subform with prepopulated dated from the old one.

Pop up form:
1. edit my changes and then write out current rcd back to subform datasheet
(not a new rcd. Just with the changes I made in edit)
2. create a new rcd with prepopulated info from the previous rcd in #1
written to the subform datasheet

Does anyone know how I can code this? What I’m trying to do is closed out
the current recd, but keep it for tracking puposes. So, the end result will
be the edited row and a new row with prepopulated data.


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