Edit Discussion Board Layout



On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...


Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.


That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)


In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)

Ronx said:
Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/


If I change that should it still work?

Ronx said:
In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)

Ronx said:
Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...


If it is a FrontPage Discussion web, it will not work unless you do
change it.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

If I change that should it still work?

Ronx said:
In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)


Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...


Now it works, but I get a "Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this
page:" error message. It posts the topic but there is no formatting.

Ronx said:
In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)

Ronx said:
Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...


Please give a link to the page.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

Now it works, but I get a "Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this
page:" error message. It posts the topic but there is no formatting.

Ronx said:
In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)


Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...


Well now it's not working at all! Ha ha ha...

So I will get it working to the point where it was before and get it ready
for you.
Probably start over.. (not a huge deal, just started this morning!)

Ronx said:
Please give a link to the page.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

Now it works, but I get a "Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this
page:" error message. It posts the topic but there is no formatting.

Ronx said:
In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)


Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...


Well I'll be damned... It was taking a while to load the pages so I rebooted
my computer and now everything is working.

Thanks a lot for your help!!!

Ronx said:
Please give a link to the page.

Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

Now it works, but I get a "Cannot run the FrontPage Server Extensions on this
page:" error message. It posts the topic but there is no formatting.

Ronx said:
In the properties sheet, Send to Other should be selected and say
"Discussion Form Handler".
Yours is probably set to "Custom ISAPI, NSAPI, CGI, or ASP Script".
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

That's what I thought!! At least I'm not that crazy!

But when I click options it gives me something I've never seen before.
Three inputs:

Action: [ --WEBBOT-SELF-- ]
Method: [ POST ]
Encoding type: [ ]

and "Style...", "OK", and "Cancel" buttons

(the [ ] indicate a text box)


Right click on the post form (disc1_post.htm in my web) and choose Form
Click Options and then the Discussion tab
Clear the checkboxes labelled "Date", "Time", "Computer Name" and
"Remote User Name"
Click OK, OK

Then "dirty" the page by changing some text, and changing it back. Save
and close the page. This step may be not be required, but FP sometimes
does not save changes to property sheets unless there is some other
change to the page.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

On my discussion board when you click on a topic, it shows the remote name of
the poster and date and time. How do I change it so it doesn't display all
that information without doing it manually for each one...

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