Hans Knudsen
In cell A1 I have a long text ( >> 253 characters). Now I do not want the
text to extend into column I so I select A1:H1, choose Edit, Fill, Justify
when I get the message: Text will extend belov selected range. When clicking
OK the text will be split into A1, A2 and A3 and in each of the rows 1, 2
and 3 extend up to and including column H. However, and that's my problem,
all characters after number 253 seems to be cut off.
Any suggestions?
Hans Knudsen
text to extend into column I so I select A1:H1, choose Edit, Fill, Justify
when I get the message: Text will extend belov selected range. When clicking
OK the text will be split into A1, A2 and A3 and in each of the rows 1, 2
and 3 extend up to and including column H. However, and that's my problem,
all characters after number 253 seems to be cut off.
Any suggestions?
Hans Knudsen