Hi David,
Edit, Links, Update: Automatic | Manual radio buttons are grayed out,
and the Locked box is not checked. Word 2000. Doc has a link in it. I
have been researching how to "manage" 10 docs via one without using
What, exactly, is available in edit/links depends on
- what kind of thing you've linked in
- whether it's inline with the text or "floating" (text wrap formatting
Only certain kinds of links (those maintained by an OLE LINK field,
such as Excel stuff) support automatic vs. manual formatting. And it's
not possible to "lock" linked objects in the Drawing level (text wrap
formatting). This last is most likely your biggest problem; I'd look at
inserting the objects into FRAMES (from the Forms toolbar) in order to
get text wrap capabilities, yet still exposing all the links.
Please note, as well, that all links in Word are maintained by fields,
and you'll usually get finer control by locking the fields, rather than
going over edit/links, especially if VBA/Automation is involved.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan 24 2003)
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