Edit Menu will not automatically drop down anymore


Irene Pai

About a week ago I suddenly started having the problem where pressing the
<ALT> <E> keys does not automatically drop down the Excel Edit menu. The
Edit menu item is highlighted, but unless I use my mouse or hit the "Down"
key, I cannot enter any keyboard shortcuts referred to on the Edit menu. This
happens only on the Edit menu. For all other menus, File, Tools, Data, etc.
the <ALT>key followed by <F>,<T>, or <D>, respectively, continues to pull
down the bar for the
menu item. Note: the same problems exists if I use </><F> vs </></E>. The
front slash E doesn't drop down while the front slash F does drop down.

Appreciate any suggestions, as this is extremely frustrating! Below is the
version I'm on and what I've tried. Thanks!!

I am on MS Excel 2003 and have been using it without issue for 1+ years.

WHAT I HAVE TRIED (without success):
(1) uninstalling Excel and reinstalling
(2) deleting book.xlt
(3) repairing Excel
(4) various transition key settings under Tools/Options
(5) Resetting menu and toolbar usage data (which is really irrelevant anyway).


Hi Irene-

Is the "E" in Edit underlined in the Menu Bar? This is an option.

Right click on the Menu Bar, left click on Customize at the bottom of the
context menu. Right click on the "Edit" on Menu Bar. Look at field "Name".
It should read "&Edit".

Hope this helps.


Irene Pai

Hi PB,
Yes, the E is underlined (which is why the menu item gets highlighted when I
type in Alt-E). It's just the menu won't auto drop down.

Thanks, though...

Irene Pai

I didn't try rebuilding the menu, as it seemed like a lot of work for
delivered functionality. Thanks, though! 8->

However, the good news is, I was able to fix it by deleting my Excel.xlb
file! This file stores all your personal configurations, so that did it!


Irene Pai wrote on 01/25/2006 10:47 ET
I didn't try rebuilding the menu, as it seemed like a lot of work fo
delivered functionality. Thanks, though! 8-

However, the good news is, I was able to fix it by deleting my Excel.xl
file! This file stores all your personal configurations, so that did it
You have another icon / button on your menu bars with the same keyboar
shortcut! Probably one you have added? You have to toggle or use the mouse t
decide which. One cure is to remove the second icon / button, or just liv
it. I had the same prob with Alt+D. Excel did not know if wanted (D)ata o
Con(D)itional Formatting (A button I custom-added). I got shot of th
Conditional Formatting button. This is with Excel 97, btw - newer versions ma
warn you if you have more than one button or function that can be accessed b
the same exclusive keyboard shortcut. Hope this helps.

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