Edit my Macro Please


Gerard Sanchez


'Currently I am using the function below to and called on whenever there is
a discrepancy between two values on an IF formula.

Function beepNow()
End Function

'I was wondering if there is a way for me to do 2 beeps aside from the 1
beep above I can call whenever certain cells changes its value.
This would be applied to the whole workbook.

'Any input would be very much appreciated!


Here is one that I have used:

Sub MultiBeep(NumBeeps)
For Counter = 1 To NumBeeps
Run "BeepTime"
Next Counter
End Sub

You use it like a function. If you want 2 beeps then:

Sub test()
MultiBeep 2
End Sub

For three beeps

Sub test2()
MultiBeep 3
End Sub


Delete the Run BeepTime line. It refers to a delay timer that is not
included in the code I gave you.

Dave Peterson

JLGWhiz seems to have lost the "beepTime" subroutine.

Here's an alternative:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub MultiBeep(Optional NumBeeps As Long = 1)
Dim Counter As Long
For Counter = 1 To NumBeeps
Sleep 250 'quarter of a second
Next Counter
End Sub
Sub test2()
Call MultiBeep(2)
End Sub

(With just a few changes to be irritating <vbg>.)


You will probably need a delay to distinguish the number of beeps, so here is
the modified sub to do that.

Sub MultiBeep(NumBeeps)
For counter = 1 To NumBeeps
s = Timer + 0.5
Do While Timer < s
Next counter
End Sub

Dave Peterson

And depending on the version of excel you're using and how it was installed:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Application.Speech.Speak "Beep, beep"
End Sub

Dave Peterson

And to be really irritating:

Option Explicit
Sub test2()
With Application
.Speech.Speak .Rept("beep", 3)
End With
End Sub

Dave Peterson

Are A1 and A2 both changed by typing?

If yes, then you could use the worksheet_Change event.

If either A1 or A2 are changed by a formula, then you could use the
worksheet_Calculate event.

But as a user, this would drive me nuts. I'd much rather see an adjacent cell
formatted in big bold letters with a formula like:

=if(a1<>a2,"","Please make them different!"

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