Edit numeric input "on the fly"


Thomas Mooney

Is there a way I can have a cell check the value of the numeric input just
entered and scale it if necessary.

Example: we need to enter lot of data thats in micro-amperes. We would like
to enter 1.234 and have it converted automagically to 1.234e-6. Ideally,
we'd compare and do the conversion only if the value was, as an example, >

Thanks in advance.


Hi Thomas,

Unless you're getting the data via a UserForm or a FormField, no - and you'd need a macro to process the data. You might do better
with a User-Defined-Function in Excel, though - and you can insert an Excel table into a Word document.

If you're interested in the Excel approach, I suggest asking in one of the Excel newsgroups (eg microsoft.public.excel.programming).

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