I am so sorry. I replied too quickly before reading
through all the posts in the thread. I was looking
for "Edit Picture" as the command. I see in one of your
posts that it's "Word Picture."
No, it's I who owe you an apology. I was tired and didn't
want to go double-check the actual name of the command when
I wrote my first answer. (Plus, I've always found it
"educational" to have to work my way through these lists,
on occasion - always new things to be found!)
I'm glad you found it, and that it's working for you as you

Microsoft is in a "can't please all the
people, all of the time" sitaution with Word. Over the 15
years or so since WinWord has been with us it's accumulated
so many features, it's impossible to make them all
available on the menus. As it is, new users complain about
feeling "lost in the jungle". So the Word team has the
unthankful task about deciding which ones to remove from
the default toolbar installation. We can at least be
grateful that the basic design of Word has allowed it to
retain many of the older, useful, but less "popular"
For example: Have you ever seen / used ToolsCalculate (from
the "All commands" category)? (Type an equation in your
document, select it, then run this command and look at the
status bar)
Cindy Meister