Edit Text Inside a Stencil



I am working on my own Title Blocks for drawings. I am going with the
Background Image approach where I have only one title block with
common info on it that will appear in each drawing sheet. I worked
out the stencil to have a dynamic sizing formula so when the
individual drawing sheets have their drawing scale changed, the title
block will resize appropriately. What I cannot figure out how to do
is edit the text in the stencil I use for that title block without
ungrouping the stencil. That text for example would be the project
name, etc.

Any help is appreciated.



I am working on my own Title Blocks for drawings. I am going with the
Background Image approach where I have only one title block with
common info on it that will appear in each drawing sheet. I worked
out the stencil to have a dynamic sizing formula so when the
individual drawing sheets have their drawing scale changed, the title
block will resize appropriately. What I cannot figure out how to do
is edit the text in the stencil I use for that title block without
ungrouping the stencil. That text for example would be the project
name, etc.

Any help is appreciated.


Jeeze, I forgot I posted a previous thread related to same subject.

Al Edlund

One technique to sidestep the ungrouping to change text issue is to take
advantage of visio's ability to "insert text fields" into text shapes. This
allows the user to put a pointer into the shape that can read information
from outside of the shape. One use is to put a custom property into your
documentsheet and have your master shape read it. That allows it to be used
across multiple documents and it will read the document information
automatically. There was an example of this technique in one of the msdn
library articles (visio network).


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