Hi Laura,
Graphics are generally rectangular, although portions
can be 'masked' to make them appear to be round, triangular
or other shapes. You can use MS Office Photo Editor
for Word 2002 or earlier or MS Picture Manager in Word 2003
to modify the graphics, or other graphic app.
Graphic apps with a 'lasso' or 'edge finder' feature
will attempt to locate the edge of an object through
a pattern of color changes to let you 'blank out' the
remaining parts of the graphic. The closest thing that
Word has to that would be to use the 'Set Transparent
Color' tool on the Picture toolbar to 'swipe' over the
area of the graphic you want to 'disappear'.
The 'edit wrap points' feature is creating an overlay
on a graphic to fool Word into thinking that the graphic
isn't actually a rectangle so that you can get text closer
to the 'shape' that is the focus of the topic of your
You can use a graphic to fill an autoshape, say an oval,
as another way to create a 'shaped' graphic within Word.
I have a picture of a person that I am trying to "cut"
out the face only, with no background. I have been
using "Edit Wrap Points" to wrap around the face and have
done that...now what? How do I get rid of what is
outside of the "wrap points"?
Thanks!! >>
I hope this helps you,
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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