edited records



Is it possible to run some kind of query that would check or show which
records were edited, added or deleted? If not with a query how?


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You can if you keep a copy of every version - just compare versions. You
can compare with your last backup copy.

Also search on Audit Trail.

Jerry Whittle

Access doesn't really have such capability built in. What you could do is put
two fields in each table. Then you could query these two fields.

One date field would be called something like RecordCreated and the default
value is Now() . This would show when a record was created.

Another date field would be called something like RecordModified. You would
use an event on the form to add the current date and time using the Now()
function to update this field when the record has been modified. The Dirty
property or Before Update event works well. Note that this only works when
using a form. If modifying data directly in datasheet view of a table/query
OR using something like an update query won't do it. Note that this only
tracks the last time that the record was modified.

There is no simple way to track record deletions. Often when it's important
to know when a record was deleted, I move it to another table or really don't
delete the record. Instead I use a Yes/No field to note if the record is
'deleted' and exclude that record from queries, forms, and reports.

With some work, it's also possible to track who created the record and last
modified it.

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