Editing a view



Someone in my organisation created a view, let's say "Marks view". All I need
to do is add a column (Enterprise text field) into this view and save, so the
edited view is always available for any project going forward. I appreciate
that the view will point to a table, so it's probably the table I need to
edit. Thanks!

Mike Glen

Hi Marko,

Sounds like you're using project server, so try posting on the server
newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24. Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion
products and other useful Project information can be seen at this web
address: http://project.mvps.org/faqs.htm

Mike Glen
Project MVP

B Sai Prasad [PMP]

Dear Marko -

You are looking at option to have the customized view visible in all
schedules going forward.

You would be aware that, Microsoft Office Project creates a blank schedule
from a template [Global.mpt] and hence the views available in this template
can be accessed from any schedule. So, your customized view can be copied to
your Global.mpt, so that it is available for all future schedules.

Let us look at the process you need to follow.
1. Customize your view with the name " Marks view'
2. Choose Tools > Organizer ... and copy "Marks view" from your current
schedule to Global.mpt under View tab

So, after it is done, all schedules would have this view by default.
Remember, Global.mpt is template file saved under [<Installation
Folder>\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033]. If other teams would like to use
this view, you need to share this Global.mpt to them.

Please let us know if this helps.

Sai [PMP]
* Enjoy scheduling with Microsoft Office Project *

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