Editing Actual Work



We have set up Project Server 2003 to track progress updates by "hours
of work done per day or per week", and project plans using this update
method have had the customized fields published. Team members can
update the "Actual Work" field in the left hand side of the Timesheet
view on the Tasks page. However, a PM is asking if the "Actual Work"
field, broken down by day of the week on the right hand side of the
page, can be updated. I can find no way to open up that field for
entry. Is this possible?

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


In the Customize Project Web Access page, select the following two options:

Hours of work done per day or per week: Resources report the hours worked on
each task during each time period.
Resources should report their hours worked every day

Understand that any project that you published using the current tracking
method you selected must be republished using Collaborate > Publish >
Republish. Understand, also, that any task that began tracking with the
previous method will retain that tracking method and cannot be changed.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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